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Visit any Fraserway RV location to get your FREE Loyalty Program card or sign up online using our app.
Visit any Fraserway RV location to get your FREE Loyalty Program card or sign up online using our app.
Earn 5% back on all your purchases of parts and service.
Spend your Reward Dollars like cash on parts or service.
Our Loyalty Program rewards your purchases with 5% back in Reward Dollars. Every time you buy parts or service, simply present your Cash Card at the till to earn 5% of your pre-tax purchase back in Rewards Dollars. Next time you’re here, spend your Rewards Dollars on parts, service or a rental like cash – it’s that easy! Here's the best part: You can use your Cash Card at any Adventurer Group location across Canada. Earn and redeem your Reward Dollars wherever you are! When you buy an RV from Fraserway, you'll get a Cash Card pre-loaded with $50, perfect for a shopping spree on parts and accessories!
Contactless Option: Download our app today on your mobile device to have a digital card, check your balance, view recent transactions and more!
Sea to Sky Gondola
36800 Highway 99, Squamish
Present your loyalty card at the ticket window at the base of the Sea to Sky Gondola to receive a 10% discount on all regular admission tickets (excl. the Family Ticket)
Visit www.seatoskygondola.com for more information.
Britannia Mine Museum
Toll Free 1-800-896-4044
On the Sea-to-Sky Highway, 55 kms north of Vancouver, BC
Loyalty program members receive 10% off in 2024
Promo code: FRASERWAY10
Visit www.britanniaminemuseum.ca for more information
Five Star Whale Watching
645 Humboldt Street, Victoria
Loyalty program members receive a 20% discount on the following boat tours:
Promo code: FRASERWAY
Visit www.5starwhales.com or call 1-800-634-9617 to book.
Victoria Butterfly Gardens
Loyalty program members receive 20% off
Show your Loyalty Card to get discount
Visit www.butterflygardens.com for more information
Liquid Lifestyles Whitewater Rafting
440 Eden Rd, Clearwater, British Columbia
Loyalty program members receive 10% off all whitewater excursions.
Book online www.liquidlifestyles.ca
Promo Code: FRASERWAY10
Visit www.liquidlifestyles.ca for more information
Stay Clearwater Accommodations (River's Edge Retreat)
24 Old North Thompson Highway Rd., Clearwater British Columbia - Gateway to Wells Gray Park
Loyalty program members receive 5% off Full and Partial RV site and glamping Cabins.
Book online www.stayclearwater.com
Promo Code: FRASERWAY5
Visit www.stayclearwater.com for more information
Lake Louise Gondola
1 Whitehorn Road, Lake Louise, Alberta
Present your loyalty card at the ticket window for $10 off an adult ticket for the Lake Louise Summer Gondola.
Visit www.skilouise.com for more information or to buy your tickets online
Rockies Heli Canada
At the junction of Cline River and Hwy 11
Clearwater County, Alberta
Loyalty program members receive 15% off in 2024
Mention you are a Fraserway customer to get discount
Visit rockiesheli.com for more information
Peel Wilderness Adventures
1107 Fifth Ave, Dawson City, Yukon Territory
Loyalty program members receive 20% off
Show your Loyalty Card to get discount
Visit https://peelwildernessadventures.com/ for more information
Begin your adventures by signing up to receive newsletters with the latest deals and guides to RVing.
Each year, Fraserway RV supports numerous community and charity events by providing our goods and services, and by participating in and promoting fundraising events in non-profit sectors across Canada.